Besides our teeth and adapters, we have many other products that improves the performance of the bucket.
Top mounted single leg adapter designed for use in general conditions whenever a smooth surface is required.
A 1 1/2 top leg adapter. Designed for both general and tough loading in different types of ground conditions.
A 1 1/2 top leg adapter. Designed for both excavators and loaders. Can be used with or without a wear cap.
Mechanical wear cap protects the adapter topside in high abrasion and impact applications.
Abrasion tooth with high level of penetration. Recommended in blasted rock application.
Outstanding wear resistance combined with a high level of penetration. This tooth provide extra protection for the lower part of the adapter and is ideal where ground conditions are highly abrasive.
In both general and highly abrasive environments. This all-round tooth is popular for its excellent penetration.
The design of the C-REX makes it suitable for many different areas of work. It will always deliver, no matter what. If you have any further questions you are always welcome to contact us.